Preventative Dentistry
Dental cleanings and exams, fluoride, brushing and flossing and digital x-rays
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2333 Taunton Rd., Unit 5 Oakville L6H 0N5
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Exams & Cleanings
Preventative dentistry including semi-annual exams and cleanings is imperative to maintaining a healthy mouth and smile. During your appointments with us at Uptown Oakville Dentistry in Oakville, our team will help ensure your mouth is as healthy as possible by scaling and polishing your teeth to help you avoid cavities, gum disease, enamel thinning and more. We also offer other preventative dental services such as flouride treatments and sealants.
Digital Dental
Digital radiographs are used to look for cavities between teeth that the naked eye cannot see. Not only do they emit less radiation than other forms of x-rays, but it is also safe for all of our patients.
Preventative Dentistry Services in Oakville
Fluoride Treatments
Many of us receive enough fluoride through our food and water; however, sometimes we suggest a fluoride treatment to help strengthen and protect your teeth from decay.
Home Care 101
Do you have a question on how to best maintain your oral health at home? Be sure to speak with either Dr. Uzma or one of our team members to discuss any questions or concerns you may have.
Brushing and Flossing
Brushing and flossing your teeth at home is extremely important. We recommend that you brush your teeth at least twice a day with the proper tooth paste and floss each evening before bed.
Dental Sealants
Some teeth have very deep grooves, especially on the back molars. Dental sealants create a thin coating to cover those areas to protect from future or further decay.