Emergency Dentistry

Your Oakville emergency dentist

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The most common dental emergencies


Do you know what to do in the event you or a family member is faced with a dental emergency? As your Oakville dentist, we offer emergency dental care when you need it. Here is a list of the most common dental emergencies: 

1. Toothache

Toothaches hurt – we know that and is why we want you to know the difference between what can wait and what shouldn’t wait to see the dentist. One of the first common signs of tooth decay (cavities) is a toothache. We understand that it is uncomfortable, but before seeking emergency care, there are some options you can try at home including applying a cold compress to the area. This can help with any swelling and pressure in the area. Should you not get any relief, it is always best to reach out for support.


2. Chipped, broken knocked out tooth

If you have chipped or broken a tooth, it is important you contact us right away. Not only can we help fix your smile, we can ensure you did not damage the root of your tooth. If your mouth is bleeding, rinse with warm water and then apply pressure to the bleeding area. Once you contact our office we will provide more specific instructions depending on the severity of damage. If you have completely knocked out your tooth it is extremely important to pick up the tooth by the crown to bring to your appointment. Never touch the root of the tooth, as the more intact the area is the better it will be for restoring.

3. Lost filling or crown

There is always a chance that an old filling or crown may come loose or come out altogether. If this does happen, it is important to get it fixed as soon as possible. This was originally done to restore the health and function of the tooth, now that it has come off, the tooth is susceptible to infection or further damage. 

4. Abscess 

Infections in your mouth are very serious, especially when between your teeth and gums. Infections, when left untreated, can spread quickly to surrounding tissue and even throughout your body. When in doubt always give us a call. It is better to have a possible infection checked and treated appropriately, than waiting to see if it will clear up on its own. 

5. Bleeding and pain after a tooth extraction

When you have a tooth removed it is common to have some bleeding afterward. By following our instructions, this bleeding should not persist; however, if it does not, it is important you contact us. 

When in doubt, always call your Oakville emergency dentist at Uptown Oakville Dentistry for help with any dental emergency you may have. If nothing else, you will have the peace of mind knowing your oral health is taken seriously. Call us today at 905-257-6565 to discuss your dental concerns. We are here to help.  


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