How do you help ease any fears your child may have about going to the dentist? While it’s natural for young kids to be wary of new experiences, as parents and guardians, you can help make the dental appointment at Uptown Oakville Dentistry a little less stressful for both of you with these easy recommendations:

Start visits to the dentist at a young age

The initial visit should be within six months of eruption of the first tooth or by the child’s first birthday. This helps to ensure your child forms a good relationship with the office, but also to provide you any feedback and information you need to maintain their oral health. 

Choose a dentist that has an engaging, kid-friendly office and style

This will help ease your child’s fears before the examination even begins. Some offices are only focused on providing children’s dentistry; however, most general dentists enjoy working with children as well. Never assume that the dentist around the corner will be the best choice – do your research and ask as many questions as you need to feel comfortable and confident in your decision.

Prepare for a positive experience

As your child gets older and is able to ask questions, be sure to talk about how the dentists check to make sure teeth are strong and healthy. Keep the conversation short and upbeat and try to avoid any talk that could be frightening. Consider a little role-playing so your child knows what will take place at the appointment. And enhance the preparation with some reading about what it’s like to visit the dentist.

Don’t worry if things doing go totally smoothly

Young children may cry a bit – but leave it to your dentist and the staff to handle things. Just stay calm, give your child comfort and let the dental team do the rest. Remember, your attitude also sets the tone for the appointment. 

Reinforce the importance of good oral hygiene

Dental visits are a great opportunity for teaching kids that looking after their teeth is a lifetime commitment.

Is your child ready for his or her first dentist appointment? Contact Uptown Oakville Dentistry today to schedule a consultation. As a kid dentist in Oakville we work with you to provide oral health tips and maintenance plan to set your child up for lifelong success! Our number is 905-257-6565 or email us at
